Znanstveno-stručni časopis
Hrvatskog društva za geometriju i grafiku

Scientific and Professional Journal of the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics


The journal KoG, issue No 5.4

Blaženka Divjak: Notes on Taxicab Geometry5

Original Scientific Papers
Radimir Viher: The Consequences of Descartes's Method for Factorization of 4th Degree Polynomial11
Zvonko Čerin: Triangles from the Feuerbach Triangle17

Professional Papers
Miljenko Lapaine: Conic Section Pencil Given by two Double Points25
Ivanka Babić: Torus and some of its Applications in Mechanical Engineering31
Jelena Beban-Brkić, Ivan Medved: The General Theory of Central Quadrics with Mathematica37
Željko Gjuranić: Drawing Intersection Curves by AutoCAD47
Ana Sliepčević: One Application of Perspective Collineatin51
Sanja Filipan, Sonja Gorjanc, Hrvoje Kvasnička: Roofing with a Parabolic Conoid57
Ruža Ostrogonac-Šešerko, Marifa S. Toralba, Erol Inelmen, Lidija Pletenac, Sing-E Lee: Visual Communication Curricula for the Global Engineers65

Geometry and Graphics
Ana Sliepčević: From the Ground Floor of Higher Geometry73
Jelena Beban-Brkić: Numbers as Meaningful as the Life itself74

News, Reports, Contributions